Degrees/Diplomas: Ph.D, General and Developmental Psychology, Moscow State University
Campus Affiliation: CUNY Graduate Center
Research Interests: Development of the self and identity; disability; gender development; play, agency, creativity and cultural mediation of development; development in diverse institutions such as welfare system; development and learning; overcoming inequalities and social injustice in the context of human development and education.
Phone: 212.817.8715
Anna Stetsenko is Full Professor in the PhD Program in Psychology (Head of Developmental Psychology in 2001-2009), with joint appointment in the PhD Program in Urban Education at The Graduate Center CUNY.
She came to CUNY in 1999 with years of experience acquired in leading research centers around the world, including Moscow State University and the Russian Academy of Education, Max Planck Institute of Human Development and Education (Berlin, Germany), University of Bern (Switzerland) and Center for Cultural Studies (Vienna, Austria).
Professor Stetsenko has published widely on cultural-historical activity theory, Vygotskian approach and human development in English, Russian, Italian and German.
Her works have appeared in leading international journals such as Human Development; Theory & Psychology; New Ideas in Psychology; Mind, Culture & Activity; Pedagogies: An International Journal; Cultural Studies of Science Education; European Journal of Social Psychology; International Journal of Psychology; Developmental Psychology; Child Development; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; International Journal of Behavioral Development; and Contemporary Psychology, among other journals as well as in edited book volumes. She also authored the book “The birth of consciousness” (2005, Moscow) and co-edited Vygotsky’s psychology: Voices from the past and present (2002, Nova Science Press).
Prof. Stetsenko serves on editorial boards of several journals, acts as a reviewer for many scientific journals and presents her work at international conferences and other venues. Her recent presentations include a key note at the Northern European Congress on Education (NERA, Iceland, 2013), speaking tours in South Africa (University of Johannesburg and University of Cape Town, 2012) and Brazil (Universities in Porto Allegre, Curitciba, and Sao Paolo, 2010).
Prof. Stetsenko’s work has been supported by grants from various agencies such as National Science Foundation (NSF), Swiss Science Foundation and Jacobs Foundation (Switzerland). Her recent research grant was a two-year exploratory project, entitled “The Scientific Thinker Project,” with Dr. Sue Kirch and Dr. Catherine Milne from NYU. This project involved 3rd and 4th grade students atNew York Citypublic schools in a study that implemented science curricular to engage the students’ thinking about the nature and status of scientific evidence and the process of knowledge construction.
Recent Publications:
Stetsenko, A. (2018). Agentive creativity in all of us: An egalitarian perspective from a transformative activist stance. In M. C. Connery, V. John-Steiner and A. Marjanovic-Shane (eds.), Vygotsky and creativity: A cultural-historical approach to play, meaning making, and the arts (pp. 41-60). Peter Lang (2nd edition).
Stetsenko, A. (2017). Putting the radical notion of equality in the service of disrupting inequality in education: Research findings and conceptual advances on the infinity of human potential. Review of Research in Education Vol. 41, 112–135.
Stetsenko, A. (2016). The transformative mind: Expanding Vygotsky’s approach to development and education. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. (and see reviews by Thomas R. Bidell in Human Development, 2017, 60, 55-59; by B. Nardi in Mind, Culture and Activity, in press, 2017).
Stetsenko, A., & Sawyer, J. (2016). Culture and development. In H. Miller (General Editor), SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology (pp. 210-213). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Stetsenko, A., & Ho, P-C. G. (2015). The serious joy and the joyful work of play: Children becoming agentive actors in co-authoring themselves and their world through play. International Journal of Early Childhood, 47, 2, 221-234.
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